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AK College Jhelum - Jhelum
Friday, 12 February 2021
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Jhelum, Punjab
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Ielts, Jhelum, toefl, tefl, it courses, development, marketing, ielts exam, ielts test, british council, Jhelum, kharian, gujrat, ielts courses, tefl courses, computer basic courses, ms office.
The college works hard and consistently to help individuals looking assistance in the courses as follows:
English Language Courses:
UK Marriage/SpouseLife Skills A1 Classes:
IELTS Life Skillsis a testing service designed to test and certify the English speaking and listening skills of the individuals trying to apply for UK Spouse visa.
IELTS Life Skills is categorised into 2 levels:
A1 Speaking and Listening:
This level is designed for the applicants having a settled person in the UK such as a family member, relative, or Spouse. The duration for A1 Speaking and Listening is 16-18 minutes. Here at AKCJhelum, we provide all the necessary guidance required for A1 UK visa application and testing criteria.
B1 Speaking and Listening:
This level is designed for the applicants who are applying for an indefinite visa to stay in the UK and ask for citizenship. Its duration is 22 minutes.
Who should apply for the test?
1.Spouse of a settled citizen
2.An applicant already living in the UK and looking for permanent residency (Indefinite)
To test the everyday communication skills of the applicant, the test is comprised of small discussions on subjects like Background information, Relatives and friends, Work, Transportation, Training, Housing, Weather and Education.
The focus for the A1 test level should be on:
1.Listening and responding to spoken language
2.It may include questions, instructions, statements, narrations, etc.,
3.Opinion and knowledge on a certain topic
4.Communication with another person about a given topic
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an international standard test for the analysis of adequate language proficiency required for survival in foreign countries. Testing rules include:
1.There is no minimum score to pass the IELTS
2.Test results are given to all candidates from 1 (Poor knowledge) to 9 (Expert candidates)
3.Each institution accept scores respective to their criteria
The structure of the IELTS test is:
The listening section has further 4 sections. It lasts for 40 minutes (The recording is played for 30 mins. And 10 minutes to deliver the answers)
•In the break, the applicants can look through the remaining questions.
•Each section can only be heard once
In theacademic module, Reading has:
•3 sections
•3 tests
•13 or 14 questions
While in the general test module: there are 3 sections, the tests are shorter, and 5 tests are conducted for reading. Reading section lasts for 60 minutes.
Intheacademic module, there are two tasks to be completed. Applicants are given a diagram, graph, process, or chart to explain or they have to write a response to a given argument. Writing section of the test has the duration of 60 minutes
The speaking module contains 3 sections.
In section 1, an interview is conducted to ask the candidate’s hobbies, interests, general topics, reasons fortaking IELTS etc. In section 2, a topic card is given to the candidate on which he/she has to speak about it after 1 minute of thinking. Section 3 involves a discussion between the candidate and the examiner, generally about section 2. Takes 11-14 minutes to complete.
The first 3 modules are completed in their respective order within one day without any break. Speaking module may be takenbefore or after the completion of theother 3 modules. 2 hours and 45 minutes are divided as per mentioned above.
Who should take the test?
The test is designed into two different versions:
Academic Version:
This version is for:
•University enrolment and higher education seekers
•Medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, health coordinators to practice in a foreign country
General Training Version:
This version is designed for candidates who:
•Seek professional work experience
•Non-academic training
•Immigration purposes
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a platform to teach the English language in foreign countries. TEFL is also referred to as:
•Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
•English Language Teaching (ELT)
•English as a Second Language (ESL)
TEFL/TESOL isoften confused as two different domains. However, both terms are interchangeable since Teaching English as a foreign language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages hold the same cause that is to teach English to non-native speakers.
Leading professionals have made some standards for a TEFL certificate, these standards include:
•At least 100 hours of coursework
•At least 6-20 hours of practicum (live practice teaching and observation with actual non-native English speaker and NOT role-playing with fellow TEFL classmates)
•An accredited curriculum from a recognised, independent organisation within the field
•Instruction provided by a qualified instructor (who has an equivalent to a master’s degree in TESOL or related field)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the testing service required by many academic institutes when applying from a non-native country. It is certified proof that the candidate can speak/use proper English when they are in a foreign institute. Additionally, it may be required by:
•Government agencies
•Scholarship programs
•Licensing bodies
Facts about TOEFL:
•Only valid for two years
•Most recent TOEFL scores are preferred by the institutes
•TOEFL is registered under the trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS)
•Administered worldwide
•Examiners teams have a committee including 12 specialists in language testing, linguistics, research, or teaching
•Examiners ensure that test content is a proper measure to analyse the language proficiency of the applicant
Structure of TOEFL:
The 4 sections are categorised as:
oComprised of 34 passages
oEach passage has 700 words
oThere are questions against each passage
oPassages are mostly undergraduate academic level
oComprised of 6 passages with questions
o35 minutes long
oTwo conversations between student and examiners
- Heard only once
- Five related questions
oFour academic lectures/discussions
- Lecture may require participation from the student
- Six related questions
oComprised of 6 tasks
oTwo tasks involve the candidate’s opinion on different given topics
oRemaining tasks involve reading a short passage course or a conversation about life atthecampus and answer accordingly
oDigitally recorded responses sent to 3 to 6 examiners at ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN) for grading
oComprised of 2 tasks
oIn the integrated task, a passage is read by the candidate
oSpeaker discussesthe same topic
oCandidate will have to write a composed summary of the main points of the passage they read relating to the points they heard from the speaker
oThe other task involves writing an essay showing their opinion, explained with valid reasoning and choices.
oResponses examined by ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN)
Course Content:
For TOEFL, AKCJhelum has developed a special curriculum meeting all the test requirements. The content includes training to guide candidates of standard procedures.
Online courses:
AKC Jhelum provides following online courses:
Spoken English:
•Speaking English in public makes you nervous?
•Unable to speak fluent English?
•Want to present your opinion but do not know how to use proper words?
Even if any one of these is your concern, you can rely on us. We will help you out with AKC Jhelum’s online English language course with thefollowing outline:
•English for everyday situation
•Basic Grammar
•Proper use of functional English
•Dialogues, conversations, and discussions
•Listening Skills
•Reading Skills
•Writing Skills
Derived fromtheTurkish language and having a meaning of “Army”. Urdu was recognised as a separate language during the reign of the Mughals.
With our field experts at AKC Jhelum, you can get all the guidance you need. It represents the culture and traditions of the sub-continent making it a great asset for the country and the people who speak it.
Our comprehensive Urdu learning program comprises all genres of Urdu literature including poetry, novel, biographies, dramas, and the use of Urdu worksheets for effective learning.
IT courses:
Basic Fundamental of Computers:
Taking this course, Basic fundamentals introduce you to learn:
•Basics of Computers
•Introducing material
•Uses of Computers
•Applications of Computers
•Its advantages and disadvantages
•How computers work
•Answers to what, when, and why
•How operating system works
•Input-output learning
•Internet and its benefits
Ielts, Jhelum, toefl, tefl, it courses, development, marketing, ielts exam, ielts test, british council, Jhelum, kharian, gujrat, ielts courses, tefl courses, computer basic courses, ms office.
The college works hard and consistently to help individuals looking assistance in the courses as follows:
English Language Courses:
UK Marriage/SpouseLife Skills A1 Classes:
IELTS Life Skillsis a testing service designed to test and certify the English speaking and listening skills of the individuals trying to apply for UK Spouse visa.
IELTS Life Skills is categorised into 2 levels:
A1 Speaking and Listening:
This level is designed for the applicants having a settled person in the UK such as a family member, relative, or Spouse. The duration for A1 Speaking and Listening is 16-18 minutes. Here at AKCJhelum, we provide all the necessary guidance required for A1 UK visa application and testing criteria.
B1 Speaking and Listening:
This level is designed for the applicants who are applying for an indefinite visa to stay in the UK and ask for citizenship. Its duration is 22 minutes.
Who should apply for the test?
1.Spouse of a settled citizen
2.An applicant already living in the UK and looking for permanent residency (Indefinite)
To test the everyday communication skills of the applicant, the test is comprised of small discussions on subjects like Background information, Relatives and friends, Work, Transportation, Training, Housing, Weather and Education.
The focus for the A1 test level should be on:
1.Listening and responding to spoken language
2.It may include questions, instructions, statements, narrations, etc.,
3.Opinion and knowledge on a certain topic
4.Communication with another person about a given topic
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is an international standard test for the analysis of adequate language proficiency required for survival in foreign countries. Testing rules include:
1.There is no minimum score to pass the IELTS
2.Test results are given to all candidates from 1 (Poor knowledge) to 9 (Expert candidates)
3.Each institution accept scores respective to their criteria
The structure of the IELTS test is:
The listening section has further 4 sections. It lasts for 40 minutes (The recording is played for 30 mins. And 10 minutes to deliver the answers)
•In the break, the applicants can look through the remaining questions.
•Each section can only be heard once
In theacademic module, Reading has:
•3 sections
•3 tests
•13 or 14 questions
While in the general test module: there are 3 sections, the tests are shorter, and 5 tests are conducted for reading. Reading section lasts for 60 minutes.
Intheacademic module, there are two tasks to be completed. Applicants are given a diagram, graph, process, or chart to explain or they have to write a response to a given argument. Writing section of the test has the duration of 60 minutes
The speaking module contains 3 sections.
In section 1, an interview is conducted to ask the candidate’s hobbies, interests, general topics, reasons fortaking IELTS etc. In section 2, a topic card is given to the candidate on which he/she has to speak about it after 1 minute of thinking. Section 3 involves a discussion between the candidate and the examiner, generally about section 2. Takes 11-14 minutes to complete.
The first 3 modules are completed in their respective order within one day without any break. Speaking module may be takenbefore or after the completion of theother 3 modules. 2 hours and 45 minutes are divided as per mentioned above.
Who should take the test?
The test is designed into two different versions:
Academic Version:
This version is for:
•University enrolment and higher education seekers
•Medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, health coordinators to practice in a foreign country
General Training Version:
This version is designed for candidates who:
•Seek professional work experience
•Non-academic training
•Immigration purposes
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) is a platform to teach the English language in foreign countries. TEFL is also referred to as:
•Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
•English Language Teaching (ELT)
•English as a Second Language (ESL)
TEFL/TESOL isoften confused as two different domains. However, both terms are interchangeable since Teaching English as a foreign language or Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages hold the same cause that is to teach English to non-native speakers.
Leading professionals have made some standards for a TEFL certificate, these standards include:
•At least 100 hours of coursework
•At least 6-20 hours of practicum (live practice teaching and observation with actual non-native English speaker and NOT role-playing with fellow TEFL classmates)
•An accredited curriculum from a recognised, independent organisation within the field
•Instruction provided by a qualified instructor (who has an equivalent to a master’s degree in TESOL or related field)
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) is the testing service required by many academic institutes when applying from a non-native country. It is certified proof that the candidate can speak/use proper English when they are in a foreign institute. Additionally, it may be required by:
•Government agencies
•Scholarship programs
•Licensing bodies
Facts about TOEFL:
•Only valid for two years
•Most recent TOEFL scores are preferred by the institutes
•TOEFL is registered under the trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS)
•Administered worldwide
•Examiners teams have a committee including 12 specialists in language testing, linguistics, research, or teaching
•Examiners ensure that test content is a proper measure to analyse the language proficiency of the applicant
Structure of TOEFL:
The 4 sections are categorised as:
oComprised of 34 passages
oEach passage has 700 words
oThere are questions against each passage
oPassages are mostly undergraduate academic level
oComprised of 6 passages with questions
o35 minutes long
oTwo conversations between student and examiners
- Heard only once
- Five related questions
oFour academic lectures/discussions
- Lecture may require participation from the student
- Six related questions
oComprised of 6 tasks
oTwo tasks involve the candidate’s opinion on different given topics
oRemaining tasks involve reading a short passage course or a conversation about life atthecampus and answer accordingly
oDigitally recorded responses sent to 3 to 6 examiners at ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN) for grading
oComprised of 2 tasks
oIn the integrated task, a passage is read by the candidate
oSpeaker discussesthe same topic
oCandidate will have to write a composed summary of the main points of the passage they read relating to the points they heard from the speaker
oThe other task involves writing an essay showing their opinion, explained with valid reasoning and choices.
oResponses examined by ETS Online Scoring Network (OSN)
Course Content:
For TOEFL, AKCJhelum has developed a special curriculum meeting all the test requirements. The content includes training to guide candidates of standard procedures.
Online courses:
AKC Jhelum provides following online courses:
Spoken English:
•Speaking English in public makes you nervous?
•Unable to speak fluent English?
•Want to present your opinion but do not know how to use proper words?
Even if any one of these is your concern, you can rely on us. We will help you out with AKC Jhelum’s online English language course with thefollowing outline:
•English for everyday situation
•Basic Grammar
•Proper use of functional English
•Dialogues, conversations, and discussions
•Listening Skills
•Reading Skills
•Writing Skills
Derived fromtheTurkish language and having a meaning of “Army”. Urdu was recognised as a separate language during the reign of the Mughals.
With our field experts at AKC Jhelum, you can get all the guidance you need. It represents the culture and traditions of the sub-continent making it a great asset for the country and the people who speak it.
Our comprehensive Urdu learning program comprises all genres of Urdu literature including poetry, novel, biographies, dramas, and the use of Urdu worksheets for effective learning.
IT courses:
Basic Fundamental of Computers:
Taking this course, Basic fundamentals introduce you to learn:
•Basics of Computers
•Introducing material
•Uses of Computers
•Applications of Computers
•Its advantages and disadvantages
•How computers work
•Answers to what, when, and why
•How operating system works
•Input-output learning
•Internet and its benefits